FpML Issues Tracker

1246: External Scheme Definitions/partyIdScheme

July 18, 2017








Location: Online documentation/FpML Schemes/Section 6 External Scheme definitions/6.204 partyIdScheme

  1. The canonical Scheme Identification for partyIdScheme is documented as URI http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/iso9362 (BIC Code). This is long superseded - the canonical URI should be http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/iso17442 (LEI)
  2. The Alternate Scheme URI http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/iso10383 is documented (insufficiently) as "For a Trading Venue". The documentation should make clear that this is the MIC Code.


  • mgratacos

    02/13/18 11:43 am

    • partyIdScheme is now required so there is no default scheme URI.
    • The description of the  http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/iso10383 has been updated to make it clear that it is a MIC code.

    This will be published in the next coding schemes release.

  • Hitesh_Dand

    01/23/23 7:53 am

    Is there a list of MIC Codes which needs to be mapped while reporting to Regulator? In what cases XXXX can be reported and in what cases actual MIC-Code is required to be reported. Please elaborate on this.

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