FpML Issues Tracker

1248: categoryScheme

September 21, 2017



Have not tried





There seems to be an issue with the categoryScheme that is used to specify the TradeCategory:

  • As part of the on-line documentation ( http://www.fpml.org/spec/coding-scheme/ ), it is stated as corresponding to the type of organisation, instead of 'trade user-defined categories, such as house trades vs. customer trades' as specified as part of the TradeCategory type.
  • It is missing altogether from that list http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/


  • lyteck

    05/16/18 3:36 pm


  • lyteck

    10/03/18 9:57 am


    the default coding scheme URI for the categoryScheme is http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/org-type-category“. That is why there isn’t a “category-scheme” to look at directly.

    There is currently a disconnect between annotations
    1. the type TradeCategory annotation (“A scheme used to categorize positions.”)
    2. usages of category
    a. partyTradeInformation/category (“Used to categorize trades into user-defined categories, such as house trades vs. customer trades.”)
    b. PackageInformation/category (“Used to categorize trades into user-defined categories, such as house trades vs. customer trades.”)
    c. TradeInformation/category (“Used to categorize trades into user-defined categories, such as house trades vs. customer trades. The coding scheme is an example showing how the category element can be used. It is not meant to describe the type of organization or the type of trade, but the role that the trades play with respect to the submitting organization.”
    3. Annotation of the coding scheme http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/org-type-category (“Contains a code representing the type of organization. Used to clarify which participant’s information is being reported.”)

    #1 perhaps it should be updated to say “trades” rather than “positions”
    #3 seems an appropriate description to describe the org-type-scheme itself.
    Please let me know if you have any suggestions?

    I am going to close the issue for now as it has been a while but feel free to reopen. and so sorry for the delay with this one. Lyteck

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