Hi neohshar, The initial implementation of a “generic” product description was (poorly) named [i]nonSchemaProduct[/i] (instance of type “NonSchemaProduct”), and first appeared in the FpML 5-1 Reporting view. The [i]genericProduct[/i] name (same underlying type) was introduced in version 5-2, but please note that the first public implementations will be based on the RecordKeeping and Transparency views at FpML [b]5-3[/b]. (Please note that [i]nonSchemaProduct[/i] is retained in the Standard for backward compatibility reasons, but should be regarded as deprecated in favour of [i]genericProduct[/i]). This area is still evolving, and the [i]genericProduct[/i] definition is likely to develop further before publication of the 5-3 Recommendation. Hope that helps, Best regards, Harry McAllister