
FpML Discussion

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  • #2075

    Dear collegues! I’m working on developing OTC reporting protocol for Russian local market. The context is this: 1) It must be fpml-based 2) There are some special regulatory requirements, which make me extend some of existed fpml types and create several new types. 3) I need to annotate all used elements with much richer comments (annotations). If I take a master schema, copy it in my ABC folder, change: 1) xmlns=”” to xmlns=”” 2) targetNamespace=”” to targetNamespace=”” and add annotations I need, will it still be ‘an fpml’?


    Hello, 1. Currently, you cannot extend FpML Master Schema. You need to pick a specific view (set of schema with specific business process category see which of the messages you need in your work: e.g. reporting, or record-keeping) first and extend that set of schema instead. – If you need just to add annotations in Russian to the existing FpML schema, you could submit your request to FpML to consider. – To properly extend FpML schema, you cannot modify anything in the schema directly. – Extending the FpML schema with additional types and elements is going on in your ABC schema to which you import FpML schema definitions. Your ABC schema will beginning like this: Best regards, Irina Yermakova


    Irina, thank you for reply. Could we communicate by email in russian? If so please let me know at koryakin at Thanks!

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