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Hi, How the swap rate (USD 1y swap) can represented in floatingRateIndex? The way to represent float rates is USD-LIBOR-BBA. Is there any such standard for swap rates respresentation/ Regards/Vijay
Vijay, Are you asking how to represent the tenor of the index??? USD-LIBOR-BBA1Y or if the question different? Note that floatingRateIndex is also a coding scheme. Unlike payment type, FpML provides a default coding scheme. Stan Etra Head of Product Development Risk Focus Work: +1 917 725 6004 Mobile: +1 917 843 3588 Email:
Hi Stan, Sorry for replying late on this. If say USD/LIBOR/BBA 3m is the underlying rate for any swap leg then we map USD-LIBOR-BBA. So I was wondering about the underlying rate USD/IRS/5Y (dollar 5y swap rate) (CMS swaps). How it will be mapped in in floatingRateIndex field. Is there a list published by ISDA regarding the swap rates? Regards/Vijay