Hi, I am looking for some help and guidance in terms of establishing Party information against the following business model: Where we have the case of a CCP clearing trades on behalf of a Clearing Firm (CP) the following tiered Account Structure is applicable. The Clearing Firm is known as Level 1 The Account of the Clearing Firm is known as Level 2 The Book/Fund of the Clearing Firm is known as Level 3 Trades are allocated against a Clearing Firm at Level 3 (book/fund), whilst margining and account positions are reported at Level 2. What is the best way of representing the above structure in terms of establishing the parties within a clearingConfirmed FpML Message? I have come up with the following structure, but would appreciate some feedback. P.S. Level 1, 2 & 3 are all unique identifiers. party id=”clearing_firm” partyId partyIdScheme=”clearing_member_firms” = Level 1 party id=”clearing_service” partyId = CCP party id=”trade_source” partyId = tradesource account id=”account1″ accountId accountIdScheme=”clearing_firm_accounts” = Level 2