FpML Issues Tracker

48: FPMLV4.0 and WSDP 1.2 / JAXB

June 17, 2003




Tool Support




The FPML V4.0 schema can not be bound to Java classes using the JAXB compiler that is part of the Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.2.

Naming and other conflicts cause the compilation to fail. An error log is attached.

There are three options for correcting the problem:

1. Change the naming conventions used by the schema to avoid conflict. 2. Add inline corrections to the schema using the JAXB binding language. 3. Create an external binding customization file with corrections.

Recommend reviewing the naming conventions used in the UBL schema that is part of the JAXB sample applications. After review revise the FpML names and make other corrections so that the recommended FpML schema compiles without error.

Also Note: In fpml-eqd-4-0.xsd The line -

must be changed to

before compiling


  • hpegeron

    04/13/05 6:43 pm

    Unfortunately none of the Java code generators for XML schema (e.g. JAXB,
    Castor, Breeze, etc.) do a very good job at the moment. All of them omit
    some features provided by the schema language (i.e. substitution groups,
    restriction, abstract types and elements).

    The problems you have encountered with naming are mostly because of the
    naive why in which JAXB is mapping both element and complex types into Java
    classes by default. FpML has a well defined naming scheme using
    lowerCamelCase for elements and UpperCamelCase for types which allows
    similiar names to be differentiated. JAXB is converting both name patterns
    to UpperCamelCase to match Java programming convention and creating the
    conflict for itself.

    We have no intention of modifying FpML or its architectural specification
    to suit any code generation tool (although some recent changes to reduce
    the number of global elements may help as a side effect). From FpML 4.0 the
    standard is XML schema based and will use any and all of the features that
    schema provides us to accurately model the financial messages and
    transactions which fall in its domain. It is upto the providers of code
    generation programs to improve their tools to support the W3C XML schema
    standard properly.

    We have no plans to develop a custom JAXB binding at present, although we
    would be open to distributing one if it was donated to the consortium.

    AWG Chair.

    Andrew Jacobs, Senior Consultant, Financial Markets
    IBM UK Ltd., 76 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9PZ, UK
    e-mail: andrew_jacobs@uk.ibm.com
    Tel: +44(0)20 7202 3861 — Fax: +44(0)20 7202 5774 — Mobile: +44(0)7710

  • mgratacos

    05/13/05 12:16 pm

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