FpML Issues Tracker

210: Missing rule for href

August 20, 2006




Validation Rules




Add a rule that /FpML/position/scheduledDate/assetReference/@href must point to a specific type containing an xsd:ID.

Probably the rule should be element(*, InterestRateStream).

Either way this is undocumented, undefined, and missing a rule.


  • mgratacos

    10/24/06 3:00 am

    /FpML/position/scheduledDate/assetReference/@href can point to any type of leg

  • matthew

    10/24/06 4:24 am

    If this can point to any type of leg then you need to implement issue 54 to define a Leg type.

    From a modelling point of view a reference should only point to a single specific type. For this that type is “Leg”. The alternative – having a reference point to multiple types is how things used to be before OO in the early ’80s.

  • mgratacos

    03/07/07 5:51 pm

    There is a problem with the model. Besides pointing to legs, it can point to the whole trade structure. See attached example.

  • matthew

    03/07/07 6:01 pm

    If the problem is with the model, then the solution is to fix the model. Add a choice of trade or leg.

  • matthew

    04/04/07 10:26 am

    The SWIFTNet CUG pilot participants are very keen to use this portfolio functionality. This issue needs to be resolved before it is embedded in the CUG implementation.

    At the minimum a validation rule is required.

  • matthew

    04/04/07 10:27 am

    There should be an AWG rule that pointers should point at a single specific type only.

  • mgratacos

    05/18/07 9:45 am

  • sheinrich

    08/14/07 9:18 pm

    Our understanding is that this issue is to be done in FpML 5.0 so no action is required on the VWG until then.

  • matthew

    08/15/07 9:36 am

    Simon – FpML 5.0 WD1 is being worked on now. Please make the change and commit to the 5.0 branch in Subversion.

  • sheinrich

    08/15/07 9:40 am

    Matthew, for the time beign this is not a VWG issue.

    A leg modelling task force is being set up to look into (among other things) this issue. Pending the outcome of their work, we will update the ecore validation rules.

  • matthew

    08/15/07 10:06 am

    Simon – you can write the rule now in the current structure. The results of the leg modelling task force will just simplify the rule. Everything for the rule is ready now.

  • sheinrich

    08/15/07 10:14 am

    Marc, do you agree with the rule Matthew suggests in the description above? does it cover all possibilities?

  • mgratacos

    09/25/07 1:08 pm

    Validation Working Group 2007-09-25: Agreed to implement complex solution in 4.x series.

  • matthewdr

    03/11/08 10:49 am

    All that is left to do is for Marc to implement the solution agreed on 2007-09-25 by the VWG.

  • mgratacos

    03/20/08 4:37 pm

    A new rule (ref-37) has been added to the references rules.

    Context: AnyAssetReference (complex type)
    ref-37 (Mandatory)
    The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Leg, or the @id attribute of an element of type Trade, or the @id attribute of an element of type BasketConstituent.

    This has been committed to the trunk and 5.0 branch.

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