FpML Issues Tracker

220: Cannot determine version of message schema

September 7, 2006








I cannot determine the version of a message schema from a message.

In the above example the version attribute says it is "4-2", but I cannot determine which 4-2 it is. For example it could be any of: 4-2TR 4-2LCWD 4-2WD1 4-2WD2 4-2WD3

This is important as you need to know what to validate against. Some systems produce multiple versions of FpML for different destinations.

I propose putting either "4-2-TR" or "4-2-5" in the version attribute.


  • matthew

    09/16/06 10:38 am

    One scenario has bitten. I extended FpML using the recognized extension points as described by the FpML Manual. I created a new product/process message. In this message I cannot identify the version of FpML being referred to because the fpmlVersion attribute is not visible.

  • mgratacos

    10/06/06 9:48 am

    Proposal to add an optional buildNumber attribute that the message creator can send the build number of the schema on which they built the messages against.

  • mgratacos

    10/10/06 8:56 am

    Additional optional attributes have been added to support build number:

    Indicate which version of the FpML Schema an FpML message adheres to.

    The message creator can send the build number of the schema on which they built the messages against.

    Taken from the schemas that the recipient validated against. Every time there is an issue listed on the errata, not major, but that requires an update on the current specification, the actual build number is updated.

  • mgratacos

    10/17/06 10:46 am

    Changes have been committed to the trunk. They are ready to be published in the next release of FpML.

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