FpML Issues Tracker

262: Add “MYR.ABS/MYR01” code to settlement-rate-option Scheme

November 10, 2006




Coding Scheme




Per this amendment to Annex A of the 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions http://www.isda.org/cgi-bin/_isdadocsdownload/download.asp?DownloadID=140 we request the addition of the code "MYR.ABS/MYR01" to the settlement rate option scheme. The code description would be:

The Spot Rate for a Rate Calculation Date will be the Malaysian Ringgit/U.S. Dollar spot rate at 11:00 a.m., Singapore time, expressed as the amount of Malaysian Ringgit per one U.S. Dollar, for settlement in two Business Days, reported by the Association of Banks in Singapore, which appears on the Telerate Page 50157 to the right of the caption Spot under the column MYR at approximately 11:30 a.m., Singapore time, on that Rate Calculation Date.

Thanks Guy Gurden Head of Product Development SwapsWire


  • mgratacos

    11/13/06 1:59 pm

    Code has been added to the scheme. Version has been changed to 1-1.

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