FpML Issues Tracker

332: make tradeId version mandatory

March 15, 2007








tradeId version should be made mandatory.

This issue arose from the SWIFT CUG, and Andrew Parry and Marc Gratacos.


  • matthew

    04/02/07 10:38 am

    JPMC’s ‘house’ view is:

    * Many implementations will be unable to cope with creating sequential versions of a trade. For this reason it should not be required, though it is highly encouraged.
    * The contract should be versioned, not the trade. Versioning the contract is a policy decision and should not be a schema requirement.
    * For the business process definitions the version is required for correlating messages flows.
    * The correlation points for the message exchanges must be defined in the FpML specification. This will determine when the version concept is required.
    * The business events that cause a change of version should be defined. For example does a negotiated rate reset event create a new version?

  • mgratacos

    03/17/08 10:13 pm

    2008-03-17 Coord: agreement with Matthew’s comments. MTF should clarify correlation points.

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