FpML Issues Tracker

333: partial novation

March 15, 2007




Business Process




Provide partial novation in the contract messages.

This came out of the SWIFT CUG.


  • matthew

    04/02/07 10:49 am

    JPMC’s ‘house’ view is:

    * The full novation and partial novation are different types (potentially different content), and should have different messages to represent them. This is consistent with the separation between partial and full terminations.
    * This could be achieved using constraints rather than different structural types (XSD), but using different structural types is more transparent to users.

  • matthewdr

    04/14/08 10:08 am

    Reassigning to BPWG.

  • matthew

    05/22/08 9:31 pm

    The issue cannot be closed as there is no recorded resolution or consensus for this issue. There is no solution committed to the Subversion repository.

    What is the correct state of this issue?

  • mgratacos

    05/23/08 7:56 am

    Issue cannot be closed. Proposal needs to be defined and agreed by BPWG.

  • mgratacos

    11/12/19 7:34 am

    AWG 2019-11-07

    • Contract messages were removed.
    • Agreement to close the issue.
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