FpML Issues Tracker

344: Make tradeSide mandatory

March 19, 2007




Business Process




Replace the choices of tradeSide or Party with a mandatory tradeSide.

Leave this until version 5 because it is not backwards compatible.


  • andrew

    05/30/07 9:08 am

    I completely disagree with this proposal. There is certainly an issue in the FpML models representing other parties relationships to transactions but forcing use of tradeSide is not the solution.

    The whole area of party trade relationships needs to be re-examined and a better model found that addresses both simple trade relationships and the more complex agency/brokered trades without having to process alternative party definition structures.

  • matthew

    10/18/07 1:44 pm

    Agreed at AWG 18/10/2007 to reassign to the MTF.

  • mgratacos

    04/23/10 7:22 am

    The MTF decided to replace the tradeSide with a more flexible relatedParty element. The relatedParty structure is based on a code list of roles (from the tradeSide roles) that can be extended for internal or external purposes.

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