FpML Issues Tracker

365: How can I know what a message was validated against before it is created?

May 2, 2007








"Taken from the schemas that the recipient validated against." - this is impossible to know before a message is validated. Is this just a mistake in the definition?

Indicate which version of the FpML Schema an FpML message adheres to. The message creator can send the build number of the schema on which they built the messages against. Taken from the schemas that the recipient validated against. Every time there is a change on the schema, validation rules, or examples within a version the actual build number is incremented. If no changes have been made between releases within a version (i.e. from Trial Recommendation to Recommendation) the actual build number stays the same.


  • andrew

    05/30/07 9:22 am

    The comment indicates that the actualBuild attribute has a default value that following a successful validating parse (e.g. the document was valid XML and followed FpML syntax) will be available in the resulting SAX stream or DOM tree.

    No change needed to the schema

  • matthew

    06/07/07 1:56 pm

    At the AWG meeting on 2007-06-07 none of the WG could work out what this meant, how it should work, what it should mean, or how it should work. The consensus was to raise this issue up to Andrew Jacobs.

  • matthew

    06/07/07 1:59 pm

    Agreed at the AWG meeting on 2007-06-07 that Brian Lynn will ‘take a crack’ at re-wording the definition and attributes to make it clearer in definition and usage.

  • mgratacos

    06/12/07 10:31 am

  • mgratacos

    06/13/07 7:07 am

    Updated documentation has been committed in the trunk.

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