FpML Issues Tracker
Validation Rules
One of the principles set out by John Weir is that where there is a choice between representing a structure in XSD or as a constraint, it should be preferred to represent it in the XSD. This rule contradicts that AWG principle.
Context: CalculationAgent (complex type) eqd-21 (Mandatory) calculationAgentPartyReference must be present.
08/29/07 6:11 pm
The rule expressed in eqd-21 cannot be implemented in schema alone. The content model of CalculationAgent is a choice between calculationAgentPartyReference and calculationAgentParty, an enumeration of {ExercisingParty, NonExercisingParty, AsSpecifiedInMasterAgreement} – it is not possible to mandate production of calculationAgentPartyReference via schema, without changing the content model (see schema fragment below).
However, the Invalid test case for this rule is suspect – the FpML fragment has:
– which is *schema* invalid, given the definition of CalculationAgent.
A better counter example would be:
– which is schema-valid FpML, but contradicts the business rule.
Does this rule need review – are there really no circumstances in the EQD scope where the calulationAgentParty representation could be applied?
09/06/07 10:01 am
I agree with Harry, this rule should be reviewed by the EQDWG.
11/30/07 2:26 pm
eqd-21 (Mandatory)
calculationAgentPartyReference must be present.
EQDWG 2007-11-30: agreed that this rule doesn’t make any sense. It should be removed.
01/04/08 4:02 pm
eqd-21 has been deprecated in trunk and 4.3 branch.