FpML Issues Tracker

490: Add an example for pr-2

September 6, 2007




Validation Rules




Add a valid and invalid example for pr-2.


  • mgratacos

    10/23/07 2:20 pm

    VWG 2007-10-23: Agreed to add an example.

  • matthew

    03/10/08 7:19 pm

    This issue is being reopened because it was resolved without a resolution.

    Closing the issue was a breach of FpML practise because:
    1. Issues must be resolved before being marked as resolved.
    2. Resolution must record exactly what the agreed resolution was.
    3. To prevent misunderstanding the raiser of the issue must be consulted for explanations of a potentially misunderstood issue, and should be invited as a guest to the WG meeting to discuss the issue.

    The VWG agreed at its meeting 2007-10-23 to fix the outstanding issue by adding an example. The outstanding issue has not yet been fixed.

    The rule remains open until resolved, either by completing the actions or by resolving using another solution.

  • matthewdr

    04/29/08 2:34 pm

    Rule pr-2 is now deprecated. The need for an example has passed.

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