FpML Issues Tracker

495: IRD isParametric precondition should be descendants rather than contains

September 6, 2007




Validation Rules




The isParametric precondition for IRD states:

"Precondition: isParametric The ancestor element of type InterestRateStream contains no cashflows element, or cashflows/cashflowsMatchParameters contains true."

In plain English this would for an experienced XML user mean that no child of InterestRateStream contains cashflows elements. I don't think this is what is meant. I think what is meant is that no descendant of InterestRateStream contains cashflows elements.

Please confirm and clarify the logic of the rule.


  • mgratacos

    10/23/07 1:24 pm

    VWG 2007-10-23: “Precondition: isParametric
    The ancestor element of type InterestRateStream does not have a child element called cashflows, or cashflows/cashflowsMatchParameters contains true.”

  • iyermakova

    10/24/07 2:39 pm

  • iyermakova

    10/24/07 2:41 pm

    This has been committed to the branch (4.3) and trunk (4.4).

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