FpML Issues Tracker
Validation Rules
Zero coupon swaps with payment frequencies of 1T fire ird-2 even though the examples are correct from a business perspective.
See answer from Harry:
Marc, Lucio,
I think the use of 1T for payment frequency in this case is justified - it is consistent with use of the idiom in other contexts, and provides a clear signal that we are dealing with a zero-coupon leg.
If ird-2 prevents us from using this form, I propose that we revise the rule, either by re-expressing it such that:
paymentDates/paymentFrequency must be an integer multiple (could be 1) of calculationPeriodDates/calculationPeriodFrequency, or 1T
- or by revising the frequency equivalence definitions, as suggested by Lucio, so that 1T is considered to be a positive integer multiple (>= 1) of any frequency.
We (BNPP) encountered this issue in the SystemWire implementation of ird-2 some time ago, and (as I recall) resolved it by changing the implementation of the rule to permit paymentFrequency = 1T in conjunction with a regular calculationPeriodFrequency.
Best regards, Harry
03/05/08 10:38 am
The following text has been added to the ird validation rules:
Term: frequency equivalence
* 1T is a positive integer multiple (>= 1) of any frequency
Pending to do the same in 5.0
04/15/08 1:37 pm
Discussed at the VWG. This just needs applying to 5.0.
Agreed Lyteck will apply to FpML 5.0.
04/16/08 2:55 pm
Marc already applied the change to:
See SVN revision 3465 dated 3/18/2008
04/16/08 2:58 pm
Marc already applied the change to 5-0 branch:
See SVN revision 3465 dated 3/18/2008