FpML Issues Tracker
Interest Rate Derivatives
Section 4.6.1 states: "The context of the rule must be defined such that incorporates everything referred to in a rule. The rule must not use the ancestor or parent axis, or use them in cojunction with any other axis. For example "../../tradeHeader" is precluded."
This contradicts:
Context: notionalStepSchedule ird-50 (Mandatory) Preconditions: isParametric The dates in step/stepDate must be unadjusted calculation period dates in ../../../../calculationPeriodDates.
My suggestion to make this valid is to change the context and paths to: Context: InterestRateStream (complex type)
03/06/08 10:40 am
ird-50 (Mandatory)
Context: InterestRateStream (complex type)
Preconditions: isParametric
The dates in calculationPeriodAmount/calculation/notionalSchedule/notionalStepSchedule/step/stepDate must be unadjusted calculation period dates in calculationPeriodDates.
This has been committed to the trunk. Pending to committ it to 5.0.
03/18/08 6:31 pm
Context: InterestRateStream
ird-50 (Mandatory)
Preconditions: isParametric
The dates in calculationPeriodAmount/calculation/notionalSchedule/notionalStepSchedule/step/stepDate must be unadjusted calculation period dates in the schedule implied by calculationPeriodDates.
Comment: The rule states that stepDates must be unadjusted period dates in calculationPeriodDates – but the only explicit dates in calculationPeriodDates are the effective- and termination-Date, together with the “RegularPeriod” dates which may appear optionally in the presence of stubs. These dates, in conjunction with the calculation period frequency, imply a schedule of unadjusted period dates; it is this implied schedule which the values of notionalStepSchedule//stepDate must match.
This has been committed to the trunk and 5.0 branch.