FpML Issues Tracker

576: knownAmountSchedule context is not a type

February 13, 2008




Interest Rate Derivatives




Section 4.6.1 states: "For the purposes of precision, extensibility, and robustness to change the structure of the Validation Rules is profiled. The rules of the profile are:

* The context for a validation rule must always be a type. ..."

This contradicts this context because the context is not a type:

Context: knownAmountSchedule ird-54 (Mandatory) Preconditions: isParametric The dates in step/stepDate must be unadjusted calculation period dates in ../../calculationPeriodDates.


  • mgratacos

    02/19/08 9:13 am

    The knownAmountSchedule element uses the AmountSchedule complex type. However, the rule does not necessarily apply to every instance of AmountSchedule, and making the rule context specific solves this problem

    The context should be moved two level above, to InterestRateStream and the paths to the elements should be updated:

    InterestRateStream The dates in calculationPeriodAmount/knownAmountSchedule/step/stepDate must be in calculationPeriodDates.

  • mgratacos

    02/19/08 10:57 am

    This has been corrected. The context and paths have been updated.

    This has been corrected in the trunk and 5-0 branch.

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