FpML Issues Tracker

586: add maximumClockVariation

February 21, 2008








Add maximumClockVariation to the MessageTransportMode.

FpML adopted the Message Transport Mode settings from ISO 20022, and is having them registered at ISO 20022, such as the "Bulk Mode" proposed by Marc Gratacos.

ISO 20022 now includes maximumClockVariation in the Message Transport Mode. This is defined as: "Clocks must maintain a maximum (inclusive) variance from UTC less than the Maximum Clock Variation for the supported Message Transport Mode" in ISO 20022."

I suggest adding the new field. This would also take care of Andrew Parry's comments on clocks as Andrew already accepted this answer within ISO 20022.


  • matthewdr

    02/21/08 3:09 pm

    Agreed at the AWG 21/2/2008 to Brian’s proposal of a value of “5 minutes”. Marc will commit.

  • mgratacos

    02/21/08 3:09 pm

    AWG 2008-02-21: Agreed to add this feature into the bulk transfer mode. Agreed to add a maximum clock variation of 5 minutes.

  • mgratacos

    02/22/08 5:47 pm

    This has been committed to the trunk. 5.0 branch pending.

  • mgratacos

    03/12/08 11:19 am

    This has been committed to the 5.0 branch.

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