FpML Issues Tracker

1348: To which element amountRelativeTo from the initialPrice can refer?

March 8, 2024



Have not tried







Could you help with the question regarding the fpml-eq-shared-5-12 schema and its <initialPrice> structure. Inside the <initialPrice> component there is a choice between three mandatory elements that show how the initial price is defined. They are:<determinationMethod>, <EquityPrice.model> and <amountRelativeTo>. FpML Equity swap examples contains the examples when <EquityPrice.model> or <determinationMethod> is used for defining initial price. But there are no examples where the <amountRelativeTo> element is used. It is not clear to which element or compoent <amountRelativeTo> can reffer. Could you please clarify or give an example when <amountRelativeTo> is specified in the <initialPrice> structure, then to which element or component in the FpML schema it can refer when an underlying bond?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,






  • mgratacos

    05/06/24 1:14 pm

    AWG 2024-04-25: participant confirmed that they use the element to point to the notional of the other leg. He will look for a confirmation, anonymize it, and we can use it to create a new sample.

  • Liudmyla

    05/07/24 11:21 am

    Thank you.

  • mgratacos

    06/08/24 5:38 am

    Sample pending.

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