FpML Issues Tracker

694: ird-56 needs higher context, additional condition, and move to ID/IDREF group

May 14, 2008




Validation Rules




For rule ird-55: 1 - The context needs to be raised up to InterestRateStream so all the nodes refrred to are visible. At the moment resetDatesReference/@id may not be visible from the context. 2 - An additional condition must be added to check resetDatesReference exists. At the moment there is no else for the if clause, which causes it to sometimes produce no result. 3 - The text form of the rule could be rewritten more succinctly. 4 - The rule should be moved from the IRD Rules to the ID/IDREF Rules.

The rule today is: " Context: PaymentDates (complex type) ird-56 (Mandatory) If resetDatesReference exists, the @href attribute must point to the @id attribute of resetDates in the same swapStream. "

The correct rule is: " Context: InterestRatesStream(complex type)[*/resetDatesReference] ird-55 (Mandatory) */resetDatesReference@href equals */resetDates/@id. "


  • iyermakova

    05/24/08 2:02 am

    As per Val WG agreement, the rules ird-55 and ird-56 were corrected as proposed above, but in the current style. The change was committed to trunk and branchesFpML-5-0

    “Context: InterestRatesStream(complex type)
    ird-55 (Mandatory)
    The paymentDates/calculationPeriodDatesReference/@href attribute must point to the calculationPeriodDates/@id attribute.”

    “Context: InterestRatesStream(complex type)
    ird-56 (Mandatory)
    The paymentDates/resetDatesReference/@href attribute must point to the resetDates/@id attribute.”

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