FpML Issues Tracker

702: eqd-29 is missing an else clause

May 14, 2008




Equity Derivatives




eqd-29 is missing an else clause.

The rule today is: " eqd-29 (Mandatory) If integralMultipleExercise is present, (maximumNumberOfOptions / integralMultipleExercise ) must be a positive integer. Comment: When integral multiple exercise is present, maximum number of options exercised must be a positive integer multiple. "

The solution is to elevate the "if" clause to a condition on the context. : " eqd-29 (Mandatory) Context: EquityMultipleExercise (complex type)[integralMultipleExercise] maximumNumberOfOptions modulo integralMultipleExercise equals 0. Comment: When integral multiple exercise is present, maximum number of options exercised must be a positive integer multiple. "

NB The expression "(maximumNumberOfOptions / integralMultipleExercise)" is unclear. It looks like an XPath expression to many. It is rewritten for clarity.


  • matthewdr

    05/16/08 1:32 pm

    Adopted at EQDWG today.

  • mgratacos

    05/16/08 1:32 pm

    EQDWG Call 2008-05-16: agreement to implement suggested solution.

  • lyteck

    07/10/08 8:07 pm

    implemented with condition. used suggestion from Marc G for the rule definition (see eqd-28): “maximumNumberOfOptions must be a positive integer multiple of integralMultipleExercise.”

  • matthewdr

    08/12/08 5:29 pm

    accepting resolution.

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