FpML Issues Tracker

780: Define xs namespace

August 26, 2008




Validation Rules




The Validation Rules use the xs namespace but it is not defined. Add the definition of xs namespace to each page's namespace definition.

ln-8 is an example of using the xs namespace: " ln-8 (Mandatory) Context: InterestAccrualSchedule (complex type)[MultipleLenderLoanContractPeriod(.)] Rule: every $startDate in $interestAccrualSchedule/lenderLoanContractPeriod[startDate > min($interestAccrualSchedule/lenderLoanContractPeriod/startDate)]/startDate satisfies $startDate - xs:dayTimeDuration("P1D") = $interestAccrualSchedule/lenderLoanContractPeriod/endDate Comment: Each lendLoandContractPeriod except the first, starts 1 day after any other lendLoandContractPeriod ends.

Today: " Namespace default element namespace = http://www.fpml.org/2008/FpML-4-5 "

Fixed: " Namespace default element namespace = http://www.fpml.org/2008/FpML-4-5 declare namespace xs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" "


  • lyteck

    10/07/08 1:45 pm

    ValWG 2008-10-07: agree to add xs declaration in namespace section at the top of each validation rule page.

  • lyteck

    10/07/08 3:28 pm

    added namespace xs = http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema to all validation rule pages.

  • matthewdr

    10/07/08 4:58 pm

    Closed following testing.

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