FpML Issues Tracker

781: FX schema must use the currency type in fpml-shared for currencies

August 27, 2008




Validation Rules




The FX schema must use the currency type in fpml-shared for currencies. This is affecting validation rules.

The type of /FpML/trade/fxSingleLeg/exchangeRate/quotedCurrencyPair/currency1 is xs:normalizedString. This is wrong. Either this should be an IDREF within the document to refer to a currency ID or it should be of type "Currency".

Currency is defined in fpml-shared as: " The code representation of a currency or fund. By default it is a valid currency code as defined by the ISO standard 4217 - Codes for representation of currencies and funds http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/popstds/currencycodeslist.html. "

This causes a problem in #744


  • matthewdr

    12/09/08 2:47 pm

    Agreed at the VWG that ISDA should just go ahead and fix this.

  • mgratacos

    12/10/08 1:43 pm

    This was already fixed in the trunk:

    A type that describes the composition of a rate that has been quoted or is to be quoted. This includes the two currencies and the quotation relationship between the two currencies and is used as a building block throughout the FX specification.

    The first currency specified when a pair of currencies is to be evaluated.

    The second currency specified when a pair of currencies is to be evaluated.

    The method by which the exchange rate is quoted.

  • mgratacos

    12/10/08 2:03 pm

    This was also fixed in the 4.4 Recommendation.

  • matthewdr

    12/10/08 4:18 pm

    Tested, and this is now fixed.

    A type that describes the composition of a rate that has been quoted or is to be quoted. This includes the two currencies and the quotation relationship between the two currencies and is used as a building block throughout the FX specification.

    The first currency specified when a pair of currencies is to be evaluated.

  • matthewdr

    12/10/08 4:18 pm

    This is fixed.

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