FpML Issues Tracker

794: ln-19 – string must be quoted in a xs:token

August 29, 2008




Validation Rules




There is a problem with the guard on ln-19. The value "RateSetEvent" is being interpreted as an XPath, when it is instead supposed to be a xs:token.

The rule today: " ln-19 (Mandatory) Context: DrawdownNotice (complex type) [drawdownEventType = RateSetEvent] [exists(loanContract)] loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/interestRate and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/margin and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/allInRate and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/interestDayBasis and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/indexTenor must exist. "

The rule corrected so the value correctly uses a function and is no longer confusable with an XPath: " ln-19 (Mandatory) Context: DrawdownNotice (complex type) [drawdownEventType = xs:token("RateSetEvent")][exists(loanContract)] loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/interestRate and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/margin and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/allInRate and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/interestDayBasis and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/indexTenor must exist. "


  • lyteck

    10/07/08 9:03 pm

    valWG 2008-10-07: Agreement to use quotes around strings. No agreement to use type information (e.g., xs:string, xs:token)

    implemented with quotes as:

    ln-19 (Mandatory)
    Context: DrawdownNotice (complex type)
    [drawdownEventType = “RateSetEvent”] [exists(loanContract)]
    loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/interestRate and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/margin and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/allInRate and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/interestDayBasis and loanContract/currentInterestRatePeriod/indexTenor must exist.

    Note: a new @type attribute (of value “string”) is introduced which triggers the addition of quotes automatically when converted to HTML.

    e.g., RateSetEvent

    (related issue 822 will take care implementing quotes throughout the rules. Therefore closing 794 which only relates to ln-19.)

  • matthewdr

    10/08/08 2:37 pm

    Closing after testing.

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