FpML Issues Tracker

799: invalid-ln-26-01.xml is invalid against ln-23

August 29, 2008




Validation Rules




Sample file invalid-ln-26-01.xml is invalid against rule ln-23.

Please make invalid-ln-26-01.xml valid against rule ln-23.


  • iyermakova

    09/23/08 3:29 pm

    – Needs a correct invalid Example to support for Rule ln-26. The current one is copy of the invalid Example for the rule 23. It has loanContractRepayment/loanContractSummary/originalAmount/amount instead of loanContractRepayment/amount/globalAmount/amount
    – Loan WG is agreed to provide the correct examples

  • katirabh

    02/03/09 6:32 am

    After review, it seems that rule: ln-23 is not a valid rule to state. The relationship between the original amount and the current repayment is not a valid one. They are effectively decoupled.

  • mgratacos

    02/12/09 10:34 am

    Loan WG 2009-02-03: Agreed on this round of reviews, that ln-23 should be removed since there is no credible relationship between the original amount of a loan contract and the repayment occurring at a point in time in the future after that.

  • mgratacos

    02/12/09 10:43 am

    The rule ln-23 has been removed (committed to trunk and 4-5 branch).

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