FpML Issues Tracker

926: cd-26 does not handle optional effectiveDate field

April 20, 2009



Have not tried

Validation Rules




cd-26 does not handle the effectiveDate being optional.

cd-26 today is: " Context: CreditDefaultSwap (complex type) [exists(feeLeg/singlePayment/adjustablePaymentDate)] feeLeg/singlePayment/adjustablePaymentDate gt generalTerms/effectiveDate/unadjustedDate "

There is a guard on paymentDate, there should also be a guard on effectiveDate. I propose the new rule be: " Context: CreditDefaultSwap (complex type) [exists(feeLeg/singlePayment/adjustablePaymentDate)][exists(generalTerms/effectiveDate)] feeLeg/singlePayment/adjustablePaymentDate gt generalTerms/effectiveDate/unadjustedDate "

I do not know the scenarios under which generalTerms/effectiveDate may be optional. The schema fails to document what it means when the field is not present. We should also get the schema documentation fixed up to state what it means when the element is not present.


  • matthewdr

    04/20/09 10:04 pm

    Please also edit the fpml-cd.xq file in the trunk by applying the attached patch file. I do not have access to the trunk.

  • lyteck

    04/27/09 5:29 pm

    implemented in trunk

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