FpML Issues Tracker

929: shared-12 XPath

April 23, 2009




Validation Rules




The XPath version of shared-12 is today: " XPath Description: Context: Document (complex type) For buyerPartyReference anywhere in the document, @href shall match the @id attribute of a party element or the @id attribute of a tradeSide element. "

The XPath version should be: " Context: for $document in //element(*, Document) every $buyerPartyReference in $document//buyerPartyReference satisfies $buyerPartyReference/@href = $document/(tradeSide/@id, party/@id) "

shared-13 looks correct, so this looks like an editing accident.


  • matthewdr

    06/09/09 1:53 pm

    Discussed at VWG. Agreed ISDA to implement.

  • iyermakova

    06/09/09 8:59 pm

    Corrected XPath version of rule shared-12 to be similar to rule shared -13.
    The change is committed to trunk (4-6) and branches/5-0
    If the XPath syntax is correct, Matthew, please close the issue.

  • matthewdr

    06/10/09 2:26 pm

    Irina fixed it. I tested it.

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