FpML Issues Tracker

930: shared-13 XPath form

April 23, 2009



Have not tried

Validation Rules




" Context: Document (complex type) Every $sellerPartyReference in //sellerPartyReference satisfies $sellerPartyReference/@href eq (trade/tradeSide, party)/@id "

Should be: " Context: Document (complex type) Every $sellerPartyReference in //sellerPartyReference satisfies $sellerPartyReference/@href eq (trade/tradeSide/@id, party/@id) "

The change is to bring the @id within the brackets. It changes nothing other than bringing it into line with other examples, such as shared-12. It also makes more sense as there is nothing common about the @id attribute across the two elements.


  • matthewdr

    06/09/09 1:51 pm

    Discussed at VWG. Agreed for ISDA to implement.

  • iyermakova

    06/10/09 3:04 pm

    Corrected rule shared-12 and shared-13 to bring the @id within the brackets.
    (trade/tradeSide/@id, party/@id)
    – committed the change to trunk (4-6) and branches/5-0

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