FpML Issues Tracker

981: add function isUnique()

July 10, 2009



Have not tried

Validation Rules




Please add the function isUnique().

At the moment we leave this undefined and the XPath missing where we have a uniqueness test on Atomic Types. This function would allow us to fill in the missing XPath.

The definition of the function is: declare function fun:isUnique($arg as xs:anyAtomicType*) as xs:boolean (: Returns whether the list of atomic types contains any duplicated. If there are no duplicates then result is true. :) { count(distinct-values($arg)) eq count($arg) };


  • matthewdr

    07/21/09 1:17 pm

    Discussed at the VWG. Agreed to add this as a function.

  • lyteck

    07/23/09 7:25 pm

    created function is-unique() (to be consistent with existing naming convention)

    updated 4.6 (trunk) and 5.0 branch

  • matthewdr

    07/28/09 11:30 am

    What was entered was:

    “Returns whether the list of atomic types contains any duplicate. If there are no duplicates then result is true.

    * parameter: $arg (XPath expression)

    * result: true/false (xsd:boolean)

    * test: count(distinct-values($arg)) eq count($arg)

    What should have been entered is:

    Returns whether the list of atomic types contains any duplicates. If there are no duplicates then result is true.

    * parameter: $arg (xs:anyAtomicType*)

    * result: true/false (xsd:boolean)

    * test: count(distinct-values($arg)) eq count($arg)

    Two changes:
    1. “duplicate” should be “duplicates” in English.
    2. xs:anyAtomicType* is not the same as an XPath Expression. It means any number of any atomic values.

    Please correct

  • matthewdr

    07/28/09 11:32 am

    Reopening because the fix was not what was agreed by the VWG and the fix is incorrect.

  • lyteck

    07/28/09 12:58 pm

    corrected function as suggested

  • matthewdr

    07/28/09 1:05 pm

    Closed after testing.

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