FpML Issues Tracker

1074: review Context of msg rules

October 25, 2011




Validation Rules




Need to review context and text of msg rules.

Use the context colleciton() and document() generally means that the description of a rule needs to be updated.

colleciton() and document() are Xquery function. They should be documented better.


  • danieldui

    03/27/12 2:13 pm

    These are cross-document rules. The group concluded that…

    First, the rules are out of date. They mention the /FpML route element, which does not exist any more.

    Second, these rules are not very useful because in practice documents are validated in isolation.

    This type of constraints are already documented (or would be captured better) in the messaging specs.

    ACTION: Lyteck to remove msg-1, -2, -3, -4. Keep only msg-5.

  • mkoli

    04/18/12 1:15 pm

    message 1/2/3/4 have been removed. rules-english-msg.xml changed.SVN has been updated

  • mkoli

    04/25/12 1:49 pm

    Msg 1/2/3/4 have been removed.4/18/2012

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