FpML Issues Tracker

1082: review rule shared-19

January 24, 2012



Have not tried

Validation Rules




Review if rule is still current or if it needs to be updated.

See related issues.


  • h_mcallister

    01/26/12 1:06 am

    Rule 19 states: “Each party/account/accountId must be unique. An account is identified by party/account/accountId or by party/account/accountName”

    Account is no longer a child of Party at FpML 5-x (see group “PartiesAndAccounts.model”), therefore the 4-x expression of the rule is no longer applicable.

    Also, the assertion that an “account is identified by … party/account/accountName” is dubious. The account is identified by the mandatory accountId (the clue is in the element name); accountName is optional and may be supplied for reference purposes.

  • danieldui

    03/27/12 2:11 pm

  • danieldui

    06/12/12 11:11 am

    I think the rule can be simply updated as follows:

    Rule: Each account/accountId must be unique. Each account/accountName must be unique.

    Comment: Both an account’s name and account Id must be unique. The accountIdScheme is part of the partyId uniqueness check.

    The schema allows content as follows:

    Name ABC
    Name DEF
    Name GHI

    We sent an email to the coord-WG to verify is multiple names are really necessary.

    In either I don’t think that the schema structure should change.

    Consider the following:

    Name ABC

    Name DEF

    Name GHI

    Adding a container element is generally considered good practice. In this case I think that 1) it breaks compatibility.

    A consumer can access a specific account name like this:


    … and with a container element like this:


  • danieldui

    06/12/12 2:54 pm

    ACTION: ISDA Update rule as discussed:

    I.e.: Each account/accountId must be unique. An account is identified by account/accountId or by account/accountName

    We are waiting for an answer. The schema might be changed. But a schema change would not affect Shared-19.

  • lyteck

    06/26/12 1:20 pm

    Fixed as agreed. (Removed the party from the xpath leading to the account)

    The Coordination Committe discussed 6/18 a solution that may break backward compatibility. Marc will develop a proposal for review by the Standards Committee. The change would be implemented in 5.4.

  • danieldui

    08/07/12 1:53 pm

    ACTION: ISDA (Lyteck) Change rule to impose that accountId is unique. No restrictions on accountName.

  • lyteck

    09/11/12 1:29 pm

    implemented. removed any reference to account name.

  • danieldui

    10/02/12 1:25 pm

    All done.

  • danieldui

    10/02/12 1:38 pm

    all done.

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