FpML Issues Tracker

1144: COL-8

October 23, 2012



Have not tried

Validation Rules




Submitted via email by Dafna Aharonovich

I have a question relating rule col-8:

I find that there is an inconsistency between the English Description and the XPath Description:

To my understanding, according to the English description, the given invalid test case is correct, i.e., invalid

However, according to the Xpath description it is valid, and the example below is invalid, while it should be valid:


Both inputs are attached and also can be found in FpML website.


  • danieldui

    10/23/12 2:21 pm

    A first look at the issue while on the call indicates that the English and the XPath description of the rule are in fact consistent.

    The VWG will check the rule and get back to Dafna.

    ACTION: DD check the rule. Confirm with Lyteck and AJ.

  • andrew

    10/25/12 6:43 pm

    The XPath is missing the @href attributes that hold the actual party references.

    Should be:

    exposure[1]/exposedPartyReference/@href neq exposure[2]/exposedPartyReference/@href &&
    exposure[1]/obligatedPartyReference/@href neq exposure[2]/obligatedPartyReference/@href

    So if e[1] is { a, b } then e[2] can be { b, a } but not { a, b }

    Do we need a rule that ensures that the same party isn’t taking both roles? (So { a, a } { b, b } would pass col-3 but doesn’t make sense.

    We need col-12 (context: Exposure)

    exposedPartyReference/@href neq obligatedPartyReference/@href

  • danieldui

    12/17/12 11:48 am

    We can ensure that a party does not take both roles with another rule:

    Context: HeldCollateral
    holdingPartyReference/@href neq postingPartyReference/@href

  • danieldui

    12/17/12 11:50 am

    heldCollateral contains three optional elements. Do we need to impose rules no when they should be populated?

  • danieldui

    12/18/12 2:41 pm

    ACTION: DD more analysis

  • danieldui

    01/15/13 12:02 pm

    Proposed change:

    XPath Description:
    Context: CollateralBalance
    [exists(variationMargin)] [count(heldCollateral) eq 2]

    variationMargin/heldCollateral[1]/postingPartyReference/@href neq variationMargin/heldCollateral[2]/holdingPartyReference/@href && variationMargin/heldCollateral[1]/holdingPartyReference/@href neq variationMargin/heldCollateral[2]/postingPartyReference/@href

    Question: Is it possible to have two heldCollateral elements but have both postingPartyReference and holdingPartyReference only in one heldCollateral element?

    Do we need a more strict precondition? I.e.:


  • danieldui

    01/15/13 12:04 pm

    We can ensure that a party does not take both roles with another rule:

    Proposed new rule col-12:

    Context: HeldCollateral
    holdingPartyReference/@href neq postingPartyReference/@href

  • danieldui

    01/15/13 12:10 pm

    Andrew’s comment is about the element “exposure”. Do we need another issue?

  • danieldui

    01/15/13 2:54 pm

  • danieldui

    01/29/13 3:22 pm

    Looking at the schema we did not understand why all the elements in heldCollateral are optional and how this structure is meant to be used.

    Lyteck investigated the issue and it looks like the elements are required in the master schema, but are converted to optional in the reporting view. The problem is therefore a bug in the view generation set up, not with the schema or the rule.

    ACTION: Lyteck: fix the bug in the rule generation.

    ACTION: Lyteck: please provide more details, if needed.

  • lyteck

    01/29/13 3:56 pm

    It was an ommission in the masater Collateral subschema (not necessaritly a bug in the conversion scripts) for the HeldCollateral type, added a directive for all children elements

    Now, in the reporting view, heldCollateral correctly requires all 3 elements (holdingPartyReference, postingPartyReference, paymentAmount). It can no longer be empty.

  • lyteck

    01/29/13 3:56 pm

    It was an ommission in the masater Collateral subschema (not necessaritly a bug in the conversion scripts) for the HeldCollateral type, added a directive for all children elements

    Now, in the reporting view, heldCollateral correctly requires all 3 elements (holdingPartyReference, postingPartyReference, paymentAmount). It can no longer be empty.

  • danieldui

    02/26/13 3:01 pm

    Lyteck rightly noted that this is not a backwards compatible change, which can not be done at this point.

    The group decided to:

    1) keep the schema unchanged.
    2) create a rule to enforce this constraint (in this issue)
    3) create an issue to remove the rule and make the elements required 6.x schema. (issue to be created)

    ACTION: DD: Propose draft rule
    ACTION: DD: Create new issue

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