FpML Issues Tracker

1145: col-4 xpath expression in not correct

October 26, 2012




Validation Rules




col-4 is currently defined as:

Context: CollateralBalance [exists(variationMargin)] [count(pendingCollateral) eq 2] variationMargin/pendingCollateral[1]/giverPartyReference neq variationMargin/pendingCollateral[2]/giverPartyReference && variationMargin/pendingCollateral[1]/receiverPartyReference neq variationMargin/pendingCollateral[2]/ receiverPartyReference


1) There is no receiverPartyReference element in PendingCollateral. It should be takerPartyReference.

2) The rule should be comparing the value of the href attributes

I suggest the expression should be

variationMargin/pendingCollateral[1]/giverPartyReference/@href neq variationMargin/pendingCollateral[2]/giverPartyReference/@href && variationMargin/pendingCollateral[1]/takerPartyReference/@href neq variationMargin/pendingCollateral[2]/takerPartyReference/@href

As with col-8 we should probably create an additional rule to ensure the giver and taker are different parties.

Context: PendingCollateral giverPartyReference/@href neq takerPartyReference/@href


  • danieldui

    12/04/12 4:13 pm

    ACTION: ISDA – Update rule as suggested.

    ACTION: DD: Suggest rule to ensure, as for for col-8, to ensure the giver and taker are different parties.

  • mkoli

    12/13/12 4:51 pm

    Updated the rule to reflect the changes.
    1) Changed receiverPartyReference element in PendingCollateral to takerPartyReference.
    2) The rule is now comparing the value of the href attributes
    Changes check in :rules-english-col.xml

  • mkoli

    12/18/12 1:58 pm

    Available in 5.5 WD1

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