FpML Issues Tracker

1146: col-6 and col-7 are incorrect

October 30, 2012




Validation Rules




col-6 and col-7 both check that an AssetReference points at an Assets

col-6 (Mandatory) English Description: Context: CashDeliveryReturn (complex type) The assetReference/@href attribute is equal to the @id attribute of an element of type Assets

col-7 (Mandatory) English Description: Context: SecurityDeliveryReturn (complex type) The assetReference/@href attribute is equal to the @id attribute of an element of type Assets

However the Assets structure can not have a id attribute so I suspect they are references to an instance of Asset in which case they are identical to ref-1

ref-1 (Mandatory) English Description: Context: AssetReference (complex type) The @href attribute is equal to the @id attribute of an element of type Asset

I recommend col-6 and col-7 are deprecated and removed.


  • danieldui

    12/04/12 4:17 pm

    ACTION: ISDA – Do as suggested. Remove col-6 and col-7.

  • mkoli

    12/14/12 2:42 pm

    removed col6 and col7.

  • danieldui

    12/17/12 10:51 am

    removed col6 and col7.

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