1363: withdrawalReason – requested action? ( retain records, purge records )

Outstanding comment in issue that may require further consideration: line 1061 <!– requested action? ( retain records, purge records ) –> <xsd:element name=”withdrawalReason” minOccurs=”0″ type=”NormalizedString”></xsd:element> fpml-recordkeeping-processes-5-13.xsd visible in Recordkeeping view and transparency.

1351: quantityFrequency type and documentation.

On discussing quantity frequency at RTPWG today, spotted that element “quantityFrequency” in RegulatoryReportingNonCDESizeFields.model and PublicReportingNonCDESizeFields.model has type of NonNegativeDecimal, but ought to be of type Frequency or a scheme type like CommodityQuantityFrequency. Documentation is also required for all elements is also required.

1349: Consider base IRI

Consider whether using a base IRI may be beneficial for shortening scheme IRIs. A default base IRI of http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/ could allow shortening of FpML schemes, such as party role: <role partyRoleScheme=”http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/party-role”> shortened to  <role partyRoleScheme=”party-role”> or of FpML references to external schemes, such as UTI: <tradeId tradeIdScheme=”http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/unique-transaction-identifier”> shortened to  <tradeId tradeIdScheme=”external/unique-transaction-identifier”>   It should be possible … Continued

1308: Autocallable Equity Derivatives

Mei Chen of Barclays asks if there is wider interest in standardising Autocallable and Autocallable OTC equity exotic as a product on their own. ISDA has drafted standard confirmation templates, but has received limited feedback so far. For autocallable (OTC) , though it is not compulsory to have a put in it,  put is the … Continued

1291: Clarify FormulaComponent/@name

The complexType FormulaComponent has an attribute “name” of type NormalizedString,  described as “The name attribute points to a value used in the math element. ” In the next major version of FpML, it should be clarified whether it is a reference to an element identified by an intra-document reference and so can remain an attribute, … Continued