
FpML Discussion

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  • #1680

    Hi, I wanted to know whether in FpML do we have any tags which can let us know as to what was the old value for the fields and what are the new updated values for the same field. I have an application where in the user needs to know as to which all fields have got recently updated.In Fpml I get to see the fields and the latest values , but it is difficult to know which ones are due to latest ammendment. Can someone please suggest. Thanks and Regards, Rajesh


    FpML does not provide or intend to provide tags to capture previous/old field values. We believe this is best handled by applications. Your Audit application should load in memory previous versions of the FpML document and present the diff information to the end-user. Using this approach, you gain more flexibility because you can compare version 1 to version 2 to version 5. Also, not storing “previous” unecessary information results in smaller FpML files which can be processed faster. Hope this helps, Lyteck


    There are some messages, like the TradeExecutionModified (section 3.3.2 of the Specification) that allows you to send the old version of the trade and the revised trade in the same message. Hope this helps. Marc


    Thanks for the inputs. Regards, Rajesh

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