
FpML Discussion

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  • #7929

    Hi there,

    As part of the FpML schema validations, we have a few questions related to:
    – <messageId>
    – <inReplyTo>
    – <sentBy>
    – <sentTo>

    For each of the above tags, our intention was to provide a custom coding scheme for each tag.
    The tag for <sentBy> appears to be xsd:anyURI.

    Do we need to customize the schema validation to deter the custom coding scheme?



    Hi there,

    Apologies but I should have incorporated a few additional questions to the above.

    Questions are:
    – What type of validation is required if we are checking Inbound messages ie: consentGranted / consentRefused ?
    – Is it fine to just validate <sentBy>, <correlationId>, <inReplyTo> ?
    – Do we need to validate the body of the message to check if any changes have been made?

    Thanks a lot.


    Hi YC,

    Taking your points in order:

    (1) Agreed, it is best practice to produce a (user specified) scheme declaration for each of messageId, inReplyTo, sentBy, sentTo

    (2) Elements sentBy, sentTo, copyTo are instances of type MessageAddress, having scheme attribute messageAddressScheme whose type is xsd:anyURI, in common with other coding schemes.

    (3) In general, it is good practice to validate messages from external sources, to ensure that they meet the base requirements with respect to structure & data content.

    (4) Not sure if I understood your question about validating “to check if any changes have been made” – can you elaborate, please?

    Coding scheme declarations are not schema-validated by design, allowing users the ability to produce their own scheme declarations. Where it is necessary to distinguish between different coding schemes, this should be performed by application logic as a supplementary phase to schema validation. In some interfaces, the message address coding scheme(s) can be understood implicity from context – although this is by no means universal.

    A more detailed explanation of the distinction between coding schemes and schema enumerations and their use cases can be found in the FpML Architecture Specification.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by h_mcallister. Reason: typo
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by h_mcallister.
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