
FpML Discussion

General FpML Discussion Technical & Implementation Questions commodityBaseScheme; commodityDetailsScheme

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  • #1932

    I see that commodityBaseScheme and commodityDetailsScheme are documented as: type=” xsd:anyURI ” I take this to mean that FpML does not define a coding Scheme or URI for these two schemes. (This is my impression notwithstanding that these are not among the Schemes mentioned, in Section 3.1 Introduction, as not defined; beginning with additionalDataScheme and ending with validationScheme.) If so, then I imagine that each user of FpML will define its own internal table of commodities to suit its activities. E.g., one user might prescribe codes for “Apples” and “Oranges” whereas another might prescribe codes for “Oranges” and “Peaches”. Likewise, for commodityDetailsScheme which might be enumerated for “Apples” as: “Whole”; “Sliced”; “Sause”, etc. Am I correct in this regard? If so, are there any published samples for any species of commodities? (Oil, Paper, etc.) It would be helpful to get some idea of what enumerations are in common use in for as many species of commodities as might be available. Even if one were not interested in the available enumerations for, e.g., fruit, having some idea of good grain at each level would be helpful to a user organization in composing a useful set of enumrations for another species, say nuts. Thanks, Mark

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