
FpML Discussion

General FpML Discussion Technical & Implementation Questions Create, Update, Delete trade records

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  • #2185

    aka: New/Insert, Change/Amend, Cancel/Remove, etc. Many people integrating systems simply want to send and get Create, Update, Delete notifications of trade records. The business event really is – “Just to let you know, I have changed my record about this trade.” The typical fpml 5 pattern is to have a message set of a Create = nameOfRequest CorrectableRequest (isCorrection = false) Update = nameOfRequest CorrectableRequest (isCorrection = true) Delete = nameOfRetract NonCorrectableRequest You can name your own internal messages, or choose from the standard: in Reporting & Record Keeping views: nonpublicExecutionReport in Confirmation view: an executionNotification or executionAdvice However, this all seems too hard for some people. I often get requests for a single message name (as root element), with a child element to indicate the operation that occurred, and the usual event meta data (time & source of the record, not the message). eg._ ______update ______… ______ 1) Have you found lots of people want something similar ? 2) What are the pros and cons of each approach ? 3) Is there any compelling reason to avoid do this ? References Principle: There should be a consistent way to correct messages containing an error, and to retract (withdraw, cancel) messages when the information is no longer valid or the action is no longer required. Implementation: Correctable messages will contain an “isCorrection” indicator to indicate whether the message corrects a previous message. Retractable messages should have a corresponding message ending with “Retracted”. Marc explains that retract = cancel.

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