
FpML Discussion

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  • #1668

    Hello I’m newer in this technology. I’m working with new application using fpml message. I need to parse this messages and populate table. My problem is about parsing the message because of the format message. I didn’t get any XSD and I didn’t know how to mappe the data between the fmpl message and the table. Can i Use the FpML Editor/Viewer: to mappe the data COuld some one can help me on this issue. Best regarde


    The schema (XSD) can be downloaded from: There are many versions of the FpML schema. I suggest you download the latest FpML “Recommendation” (version 4.3) The online documentation for the specification contains descriptive information about FpML messages, business processes, and products coverage. Additionally, the schema itself contains annotations (documentation) for FpML elements/types. These annotations should be helpful to complete your mapping (FpML Message <-> your internal table) The FpML Editor/Viewer allows you to build FpML trades/messages using a web interface (instead of using an XML editor and trying to figure out the name of the FpML elements). The GUI effectively hides the complexity of XML coding by labeling fields in plain english, and guiding you through the creation of the FpML trade. I think it can indeed be a good starting point for you to understand FpML (how business data is captured in XML) and parse your message to fill your internal table. The tool is available for free to ISDA members or for a fee at: Should you be interested, we also have training courses available in New York and London. Although the next one is a few months away: Good luck. Best, Lyteck – ISDA


    Nariel, Could you send the message you’re trying to parse? We may be able to give you a more specific answer if we know the type of message you are working on. Best regards, Marc

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