
FpML Discussion

General FpML Discussion Regulatory Reporting Questions partyTradeInformation for Trade Source "SEF"

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  • #19517

    I am looking for guidance on what partyTradeInformation blocks to include under Trade Source when a SEF is acting as the Trade Source. These are my specific questions, but if there are guidelines published anywhere that cover these questions, please refer me to the documentation.
    1. Does the SDR need to be cited in the Trade Source block? If so, should it be cited generically or specifically for each party (TradeRepositorySEF, TradeRepositoryPartyA and TradeRepositoryPartyB) or only for the SEF or only for the reporting party?
    2. Similarly, does SDR need to be cited in the partyA and partyB blocks or only in the reporting party block?
    3. If trade is arranged by an introducing broker, should the ArrangingBroker be cited in the Trade Source block? If so, should it be cited by both parties (ArrangingBrokerPartyA and ArrangingBrokerPartyB)?
    4. If a counterparty to the trade uses a clearing firm, should the clearing firm be cited in the Trade Source block?
    Kind Regards,


    I can help you out please explain it little bit more.

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