A common business issue is related to defining the universe of Market Data quotes to be requested from Market Data providers. These are not exactly RICs but more general definitions that can be fleshed out into single or multiple RICs.
It seems that FpML can help towards this nomenclature requirement. It should be a small subset of FpML requirements for each product: e.g. no counterparty required, generic date etc…
The commodityFX for example does the job correctly for that purpose it seems. Is
there a more general approach to define commonly quoted reference products such as:
– FX Spots, FX Fwds
– Commodity, Equity, Bond Futures
– “Standard” IRS
– CDS, Cash Bonds
Typically, one could be interested in the quote for the USD-JPY rate at 16:00 and
define it as an average of several vendor quotes. Another example, would be the generic
10 Year USD swap rate.
Thanks in advance,
Dr. Cyril Godart.