
FpML Discussion

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  • #6929

    Dear Forum,
    please could you provide an example of usage of creditRating? I’m having trouble piecing it all together.

    the structure is very simple but seems overly so.
    (repeats) <creditRating creditRatingScheme=””></creditRating>

    So to describe Argentina in 2013:
    S&P B- Outlook NEG
    Moodys B3 Outlook NEG
    Fitch CC Outlook (no data)

    FpML Schemes include
    5.59 creditRatingAgencyScheme
    which tells the agency, but not the rating.
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">StandardAndPoors</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Moodys</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Fitch</creditRating>

    Great! I have the agencies but not the ratings.

    Using 6.177 creditRatingScheme I can pick from 11 agencies to tell a better story:
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B3</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">CC</creditRating>

    Then I notice the next scheme and scratch my head
    6.178 creditRatingNotationScheme with only 7 values.
    Looks like one agency can use multiple schemes (canadian-bond-rating-service and standard-and-poors are linked to S&P.) and we can specify that Japan Credit Rating Agency value is in english. Now I want to add the notation.

    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B3</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">CC</creditRating>
    I can see the notations, but not sure which goes with which.

    Then I notice 6.179 creditRatingScaleScheme again with 7 values.
    Ah! now I can say long term, short term, outlook etc. Great!

    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Long Term</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Long Term</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Long Term</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Outlook</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Outlook</creditRating>

    ah. Whoops! Now I can flag the ratings as long term and that I have outlooks. I forgot to put in the outlook values earlier. Lets try to put it all together.

    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">StandardAndPoors</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Moodys</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Fitch</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B3</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">NEG</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">CC</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">NEG</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">B3</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">CC</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Long Term</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Long Term</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Long Term</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Outlook</creditRating>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme="">Outlook</creditRating>

    I’m using all the words I have, but when there are more than one credit rating, I can’t tell which agency goes with which notation and which scale and which value without parsing the uri, and then fitch is inconsistent. I cant’ find an alternate structure, nor any examples in the xml.

    I’m sure I’m missing something… any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    Very best,


    Hi Alex,

    I think the intended usage of party/creditRating is indeed simple e.g.:

    <party id=”partyA”>
    <!– content omitted –>
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme=””>B3</creditRating&gt;
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme=””>B</creditRating&gt;
    <creditRating creditRatingScheme=””>CC</creditRating&gt;

    The external schemes which you referenced above were introduced to support the more detailed credit rating model used by the SCSA under the FpML legal view (complexType CreditNotation). I don’t think it was intended that these should be deployed within party/creditRating in the way you have attempted above.

    I guess there could be a case for supporting a collection of CreditNotation instances within Party, as an alternative to the existing simple creditRating. I agree that the absence of use cases for party/creditRating in the examples if frustrating.

    There are illustrations of the use of CreditNotation under the legal view – please refer to legal-ex-03 & -04 (I would argue that the schemes are redundant here, being implied by the agency).


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by h_mcallister.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by h_mcallister.
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