
FpML Discussion

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  • in reply to: Bermuda Callable Interest Rate Swap #2104

    Hi Harry, Thanks for the reply. We have a trade where it says the option holder has the option of canceling up to 10% of the remaining notional. And the trade is an amortizing swap. So the 10% on each of the exercise dates are different. Since its up to 10% we can set the minimumNotionalAmount to 0. But the maximumNotionalAmount has to be different for each period. How would we handle such a case in the FPML standard? Thanks, Andres

    in reply to: Bermuda Callable Interest Rate Swap #2101

    Hi. Could someone please help me on my last two questions. Thanks

    in reply to: Bermuda Callable Interest Rate Swap #2100

    Hi H_mcallister. Thanks for your quick answer. Yes we are setting the multipleExercise because we have partial exercise callable swaps. Then, based in your feedback about the -NumberOfOptions field, we won’t take -numberOfOptions nodes into account. 1. For the minimumNotionalAmount and maximunNotionalAmount I have one doubt. If I have an amortized swap (where notional decreases along the cashflows) and we have this callable bermudan flavor. What should be set in the -minimumNotionalAmount and -maximumNotionalAmount? In conclusion, in our example the amount that can be exercised can change along the different cashflows, then What should be set in this case? and taking into consideration that the -multipleExercise node just can be set once per contract. In my opinion it looks like the FPML standard just support -minimumNotionalAmount and -maximumNotionalAmount as constant values for the full contract. Am I wrong? 2. Based on the first point, How can we represent in the FPML standard that requirement? Thankd and regards.

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