FpML Issues Tracker

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1377[FpML 6] inflationRateIndex wrong default schemeMar 13, 202503/13/2025Nonenew
1376Request to add a new code value to the businessCenterScheme to correspond to the proposed ISDA defined term for “New Zealand Business Day” being introduced in the 2021 ISDA Interest Rate Derivatives DefinitionsFeb 26, 202503/11/2025Nonenew
1375FpML Attributes for Non Deliverable Cross currency swapsFeb 25, 202503/03/2025Nonefeedback
1374Request to add a new code value (e.g. ILS-SHIR) to the businessCenterScheme to correspond to the SHIR Publication Calendar DaysFeb 25, 202503/09/2025Nonenew
1373Broken LinksFeb 24, 202503/03/2025Nonenew
1372Clearing HouseFeb 14, 202503/04/2025Nonenew
1371Free text / commentsFeb 10, 202502/17/2025Nonefeedback
1370CancelFeb 07, 202503/04/2025Nonefeedback
1368Swap floating rate tags – duplicated?Jan 21, 202501/21/2025Nonenew
1365Chinese swaps – question about Example 56 – CN REPO FIX SwapDec 12, 202402/25/2025Nonefeedback
1364ERR-020: Global types and elements must have a definitionNov 29, 202411/29/2024Nonenew
1363withdrawalReason – requested action? ( retain records, purge records )Nov 21, 202412/12/2024Noneconfirmed
1361Mark-To-Market Cashflow ExamplesOct 24, 202410/24/2024Nonenew
1360Request of FpML examples of IRS with RFR indexes and with cashflows/paymentCalculationPeriod componentOct 22, 202410/22/2024Nonenew
1356Relative dates structure for IRSAug 13, 202409/03/2024Nonenew
1349Consider base IRIMar 21, 202406/07/2024Noneconfirmed
1348To which element amountRelativeTo from the initialPrice can refer?Mar 08, 202406/08/2024Nonefeedback
1343Request FpML examples for TRS with bond single uderlyerJan 15, 202407/23/2024Nonenew
1329First Period Start Date in a backdated trade (Example 37)Sep 04, 202307/04/2024Nonenew
1318rollConvention for relativeDatesJul 14, 202308/31/2023Noneassigned
1316Brazilian swaps discrepancy between bilateral and cleared transactionsJul 06, 202307/06/2023Nonenew
1315Examples of EBA portfolio benchmarking for FRTBJul 05, 202307/06/2023JasonPolisnew
1308Autocallable Equity DerivativesJun 21, 202312/18/2023Nonefeedback
1292Represent Accumulators and Decumulators as productsMar 15, 202307/06/2023John.Boothassigned
1291Clarify FormulaComponent/@nameMar 06, 202306/15/2023Nonenew
1290PricingStructureReference – Replace attributes with elements.Mar 06, 202306/15/2023Nonenew
1285Support for CMS tenor spread for cap/floor and swapFeb 15, 202306/15/2023h_mcallisterassigned
1271Fx- Asian FeatureJul 01, 202106/15/2023John.Boothassigned
1097String components of Address have insufficently restrictive typesMar 21, 201206/15/2023mgratacosconfirmed
1031Interpolated stub rate definition is too complexNov 15, 201006/15/2023h_mcallisterassigned
1027Normalizing FpML Settlement Information across all FpML products and processesNov 03, 201006/15/2023mgratacosassigned
1026Normalizing all FpML payment typesNov 02, 201006/15/2023mgratacosassigned
997Refactor ExerciseProcedure typeDec 30, 200906/15/2023mgratacosconfirmed
942CD ConditionsJun 10, 200906/15/2023andrewassigned
904Business Day Convention – NotApplicableJan 09, 200906/15/2023mgratacosconfirmed
900Digital CapFloor ProposalDec 31, 200806/15/2023h_mcallisterassigned
760[fixingDates] should have [relativeDates] not [relativeDate]Jun 16, 200806/15/2023apparryassigned
541IRD swaption model use the new generic option modelJan 07, 200806/15/2023h_mcallisterassigned
540Short form products are modeled differently in different areasJan 07, 200806/15/2023apparryassigned
539equityOption model should use the new generic option modelJan 04, 200806/15/2023apparryassigned
527Consolidate singlePayment and initialPayment into one type with multiple cardinality and explicit directionality.Dec 07, 200706/15/2023benjlisassigned
526Standardize payment and premium structures.Dec 07, 200706/15/2023mgratacosassigned
390Provide the ability to unmatchJul 12, 200706/15/2023mgratacosassigned
358Remove uses of DateReference and replace with a direct linkApr 05, 200706/15/2023mgratacosassigned
295Factor exerciseFeb 07, 200706/15/2023apparryassigned
282Add an identifier base typeFeb 01, 200706/15/2023mgratacosassigned
254paymentAmount should be renamed amountOct 31, 200606/15/2023mgratacosassigned
240Version Identification: Guidelines are needed.Oct 18, 200606/15/2023BrianLynnassigned