Please note that the FpML website will be down for maintenance from 6-8pm, New York time, on December 7, 2023. For further information email
June 18, 2019
ISDA releases the beta version of the FpML Validator
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association is pleased to release the beta version of the FpML Validator.
The Validator takes FpML messages as input and validates them against 1) the FpML schema, 2) standard FpML business validation rules [See section 4 “Validation Architecture” of the online documentation], and 3) a check against coding schemes.
The FpML business validation rules allow validation of the business logic in the messages. This complements the technical schema and coding scheme validations.
The tool can be accessed at:
All FpML versions are supported.
In addition to using this web interface, we have made an API available for firms wanting to interface with the web service directly. Request access to the API.
We value very much your input and feedback on the validator. Contact e-mail:
Developed in collaboration with TradeHeader.
The validator is powered by the open-source FpML Toolkit developed by HandCoded Software