FpML Version 4.1 Trial Recommendation, 2 March 2005 Errata
1 About this document
2 How this document is organized
3 Issues
3.1 No declaration of elementFormDefault, attributeFormDefault
3.2 QuoteLocation group
3.3 quotableProduct
This document lists the known errata to the FpML Version 4.1 Trial Recommendation, 2 March 2005 Errata.
Each erratum entry below has the following information:
- A unique entry number.
- The date that it was added to the errata page.
- Whether the entry is considered an important error, a minor typographical error, a clarification, or a known problem with the document itself.
- The document version and section referred to.
- The location of the error.
- A description of the problem and correction if applicable.
The following issues are known in the FpML Version 4.1 Trial Recommendation, 2 March 2005:
- ID: 1
- Date Added: 2005-01-24
- Severity: Low
- Version: tr-fpml-4-1-2005-03-02
- Location: fpml-enum-4-1.xsd
- Description: The fpml-enum-4-1.xsd had no declaration of elementFormDefault, attributeFormDefault. This is inconsistent with the other schema files.
- Disposition: This will be corrected in the Recommendation. The attributes elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" will be added to the schema root element in the enum file.
- ID: 2
- Date Added: 2005-01-24
- Severity: Low
- Version: tr-fpml-4-1-2005-03-02
- Location: fpml-pr-shared-4-1.xsd
- Description: the xsd:group QuoteLocation didn't have the ".model" suffix at the end. This was inconsistent with the specification rules.
- Disposition: This will be corrected in the Recommendation. The suffix ".model" will be added to the QuoteLocation group.
- ID: 3
- Date Added: 2005-01-24
- Severity: Low
- Version: tr-fpml-4-1-2005-03-02
- Location: fpml-pretrade-4-1.xsd
- Description: quotableProduct global element should be abstract (as product) – the element doesn’t appear in the instance document.
- Disposition: This will be corrected in the Recommendation. The abstract attribute set to true will be added to the element.
Last Updated: Tue 04/26/2005 18:52:27.58